I have no solutions, I am not an expert on nationa; sercurity, foreign policy or the Iraqi regime, however like many of us, I try to educate myself using a diverse collection of media sources & from which I have formulated my own opinions.
I was in favor in heavily increased weapons inspections - even if this meant inspections for the rest of my life, it would be worth it both morally & economically. I realize the inspection team has having difficulty, so I would have also liked to have seen increase inspectors composed of a (requires intentsive training) very diverse collection of inspectors. I would be for an active military presence inside Iraq (not war presence), to ensure & acurately report of any intimidation tactics used against the inspectors.
I would (like France suggested) lift many of the sactions - these sanctions were contributing to their horrible death numbers of children. For peace to exist, Iraq must see the American's and the other UN members as peaceful - helping them get aid & increase trading will show them we care about their health and economy.
It would have been a long road, but quite possibly a peaceful one.